As you have probably noticed we have started to add more and more links here to the blog. We would encourage you to explore them all. To help you along here are a few words and links on two of the key people mentioned in the Discourse section. James Corner and Stan Allen are both practicing architects and theorists working out of New York City. They were co-directors of the studio Field Operations but have since parted ways, leaving Corner to run the studio and Allen to start up his own studio Stan Allen Architects.
As theorists, lecturers and writers their way of representing the city and the methodologies they have developed in response to this have been quite profound in shaping new ways of mapping, visualising and unfolding the complexity of the city. Besides their academic output Corner has been involved in designing the NY Highline project with Diller & Scofidio and Allen has been noted for a number of smaller scale projects. We would encourage you to pay particular attention to the following articles and essays:
The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention by James Corner
Field Conditions by Stan Allen
Diagrams Matter by Stan Allen
- Anders
- Anders
Update: The James Corner link appears to be dead. I have not been able to dig up a substitute link, but perhaps some tenacious Googling could yield some results!